former diplomat




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1·She will face Winston Tubman, a former diplomat, in a run-off next month.
她将于前外交官温斯顿。杜伯曼(Winston Tubman)在下月进行决选。
2·The judge, aged 75, will be flanked by a former general of 86 and a former diplomat and lawyer of 93.
3·As Martine van Bijlert, a former diplomat now at the Afghanistan Analysts Network, put it, "it was a speech written for a country without a war."
正如前外交官今在阿富汗分析师网络任职的Martine van Bijlert所说“这种演讲稿是写给没有战争的国家的。”
4·The election commission said she had won more than 40% of votes so far compared with about 25% for the former diplomat Winston Tubman, although only a few ballots have been counted.
选举委员会表示,目前为止,虽然只是清点了少数投票,她已赢得了多于40%的投票,远高于前外交官Winston Tubman的25%。
5·Kishore Mahbubani, a Singaporean former diplomat who is now dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, put this trenchantly in an article in Time in March: “Europe just doesn’t get it.
6·What the subtitle to a book by Kishore Mahbubani, a Singaporean former diplomat, called "the Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East" seems to be happening faster than anyone expected.
新加坡前外交官Kishore Mahbubani所著的一本书的副标题《世界强国转向东半球,势不可挡》所映射的,似乎比预想中来得要早。
7·To a former Thai diplomat, however, he is “a stout man with glasses and teeth covered in red spots from betel nut”.
8·Gregory Clark is a former Australian diplomat and longtime Japan resident.
9·A former Bangladeshi diplomat said he could remember no occasion on which an elected leader had reversed an important decision so quickly.
10·"But they are improving fast," protests David Raad, a former American diplomat who runs a private consultancy to bring business to South Sudan.